Fort Dodge
Family Credit Union will hold its scholarship test on January 11, 2014. All 2014 graduating high school seniors who
are members in good standing with our Credit Union are eligible to take the
test for a chance of winning one of two $250.00 scholarships.
In addition,
the same test will enable the high school seniors to be eligible for a chance
to win one of two $500.00 scholarships which will be awarded by the Second
District Chapter of Credit Unions.
Study materials: “A Guide to Money” and There’s Nothing Like A
Credit Union” will be available at our Credit Union.
Scholarship test must be taken Saturday, January 11, 2014 between 8:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. at Iowa Central Community
College, Fort Dodge, Applied Science and Technology Building, Room 005. Please arrive before 11:00 am.